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Build Better With Brownells & Save 15% On $250+ Parts Order w/ Code: BUILDBETTER

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Great News: A New Brownells Website!

2 years ago

"Nineteen ninety-seven called. It wants its website back.” Yeah, we've heard that joke. And a bunch of others about the old Brownells website. It's needed a massive upgrade for a while. We use it too. We felt your pain. And we have good news: the Brownells website is ALL NEW!


Here are just a few of the new features that will help you find what you’re looking for and get you to the range, on the hunt or on the job even quicker!


Mobile Friendly Design

We know you want to shop from your smart phone. We’ve made it much easier to do that with larger pictures, better add-to-cart functionality and an overall better user interface. Check it out! 


Improved Site Search

Put simply, the new search bar works. Give it a try! Simply type in the product you’re looking for and click on the red “Search” button at the top of the site – and find that new scope, firearm or gun part you’ve been trying to find.


Streamlined Navigation

The new site is much easier to use! We took your feedback from your experiences on the old website and implemented an all new, more intuitive way to peruse the website. While it might take getting some getting used to, we think you’ll appreciate the organization and clean feel of our new site navigation.


Trigger Times Blog

We have big things planned for the Trigger Times Blog. This part of the site will be filled with fun, educational and how-to content to help you build/customize your next firearm, learn a new tip/trick or get opinions from our GunTechs®. Check it out often!